Photographs by Wesley Lonergan

Hey all,

Heres a little bit about me if your intrested...
Im a press photographer for a newspaper in Sydney Australia and also have little wedding photography bussines under the name of Wesley Lonergan photography.
If your after that site click here

I take alot of photos for work but i hope this blog will be a home for some of my photographs past and present, that otherwise might of just been filed away and forgotten about. Most of the photos here were not taken for work, just moments in time or just simply some nice light that i see and get me stoked to take pictures.

Hope you enjoy them...


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jackson Pollock Who?

Here's proof that art is all around us. This is just random splaterings of paint left on the sidewalk by a sign writer for a Italian deli in Cabramatta West. He gets paid to paint "Jap Pumpkins 99 cents a Kilo!!!" and in doing so, over time, he's creating another master piece akin to Jackson Pollock.

Jackson Who?
The First Pollock i saw was "Summertime" in London's Tate Modern ten years ago.
But you don't need to go that far,next time your in Canberra, go check out Pollock's "Blue Poles" at The National Gallery. In 1973 the Whitlam government paid 1.3 million dollers for the work... Its now thought to be worth upwards of 180 million...
Not a bad investment...

I wonder what the sign writers work is worth? I'll go back in a year or so and see how the artwork in coming along... maybe even try and get a photo of the artist at work...

Hope you like it...


More info:

Photography Wesley Lonergan

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