Photographs by Wesley Lonergan

Hey all,

Heres a little bit about me if your intrested...
Im a press photographer for a newspaper in Sydney Australia and also have little wedding photography bussines under the name of Wesley Lonergan photography.
If your after that site click here

I take alot of photos for work but i hope this blog will be a home for some of my photographs past and present, that otherwise might of just been filed away and forgotten about. Most of the photos here were not taken for work, just moments in time or just simply some nice light that i see and get me stoked to take pictures.

Hope you enjoy them...


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Emo Emu?

Q: Who's dark, depressed and emotional?
A: This Emo Emu.

Dromaius novaehollandiae. Australia's largest bird; flightless and fast running.
Breeds April to October so all you emo kids out there, watch out...
This photo was taken yesterday morning in Central Gardens, Merrylands west, Sydney. It's a free park with a Fauna Reserve. There's kangaroo as well, its worth a look if your in the area...

Emo 4 Life


Photography Wesley Lonergan
15th July 2010

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